Personalise your Online Survey Software

eCapture’s online survey software platform allows you to personalise every page of any online survey you need. This survey software tool can be sent out to your client database in many various ways including; weblink, email, Twitter or Facebook. Use the following methods to create a personalised survey that your client database will appreciate and be happy to complete:

    • Brand your online survey and questions with your logos
    • Customise a “Thank you” page
    • Create a unique weblink URL
    • Include entrance and exit messages to certain pages
  • Add unique images or video clips for respondents to see while completing your survey

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Demo eCapture’s Online Survey Software Platform

There are certain key features and benefits businesses need from an online survey software platform. Many of eCapture’s benefits have been mentioned in previous blogs but to fully understand and experience this survey software try eCapture’s demo on any of your current devices.

You will notice email and cellphone details are not required fields, but if you have any questions please email us at We are also available on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. To view indicative pricing for eCapture’s software platform or where and who we work for visit our website; eCapture.

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Versatile Online Survey Software

eCapture is an electronic survey platform that focuses on allowing customers to complete online surveys simply. After emailing your survey in the easy to use predefined excel format, which saves you time and money, eCapture staff will setup your survey and implement the many benefits that your online survey requires.

A key feature of eCapture is that you are not limited to a Windows operating system, you can use any current OS; Android, iOS or Linux. This is just one of the benefits that assist in having a survey software platform with no limitations.

All benefits and key features can be viewed here.

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Data Capture Services from OutProsys

OutProsys specializes in providing accurate data capture services (converting handwritten and typed information on paper-based documents into valuable electronic information).

Data-Capture’s blog can be viewed here with informative topics;

Data Capture explained simply
Web Portal Benefits
Data Capture Outsourcing Benefits
What is Back Scanning
Benefits of the Double Capture Process

data capture

do what you do best, outsource the rest

Mobile Survey Software Tool

eCapture survey software platform has many benefits, in this blog we will focus on two core benefits that make the eCapture survey software tool unique.

  1. Mobile
    eCapture is a survey software tool that automatically resizes according to your screen size
    Each page of your survey will be easy to read and navigate, whether it is on a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone
    Use your device to upload photos onto your survey when using eCapture
  2.  Software
    No need to install additional software to create or complete a survey
    No Licence fees
    Use any current web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome), off any device (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone)

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Electronic Survey Software Platform; Scripting and Hardware

Topics like Scripting and Hardware play a major role when selecting the correct survey software platform for your requirements. Below are some advantages within scripting and hardware that eCapture developed to assist you with your mobile survey software requirements.

Scripting (at no charge)

Email the staff at eCapture with your survey / questionnaire in eCapture’s predefined excel format so that their friendly staff can do the setup, scripting and routing for you, at no charge!

Hardware (any current device)

Use any current hardware device (PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone) to complete your survey. eCapture gives you the flexibility to change devices and not be locked in.

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Survey Software Tool with GPS and Offline Capabilities

eCapture is an electronic survey software platform that was built with mobile devices in mind. Two features that work hand in hand with eCapture’s mobile survey software are;

  1. GPS
    Using Google maps technology eCapture lets you track the location of your surveys from anywhere in the world.
  1. Offline
    With eCapture you can start your survey, take a break, and then continue even if you are offline. When you are back online you can choose when to upload the completed survey.

Below is a sample image of surveys completed and tracked using the mobile questionnaire tool in South Africa;

Mobile Survey Software Tool with Map
Mobile Survey Software Tool with Map

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Survey Software Key Features

eCapture is always evolving and developing features to enhance your online survey software experience. Below you will find a few examples; the full list can be viewed at

  • Brand surveys with your logo
  • Use our email manager to send your surveys
  • Open ender questions can be coded separately
  • Interviewer Quota management
  • Randomise questions and answer options
  • Advanced page jumping
  • Send out your survey via weblink, email, sms or social media
  • Embed your survey into a web page
  • Real-time results with customized reports (graph your data)
  • Unique ID for each respondent
  • Make questions required
  • Optional back button
  • Images and videos
  • User-Based permissions
  • Custom questions and scripting
  • Direct phone and email support
  • File upload
  • Data exporting and Summary reports

eCapture’s survey software is flexible enough to build new features according to your needs. Contact eCapture for more information or take a look at eCapture’s key benefits here.

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

How to Complete an Online Survey

OutProsys developed a survey software platform with client engagement in mind.  Surveys need a good response rate to be successful and eCapture allows this through its affective easy to use design.

We have produced a short clip to show just how easy it is to complete a survey from eCapture;

Let’s take a quick look at how easy it is to complete a survey using eCapture;

  1. To start, go to and log in with your username (demo) and password (demo).
  2. The first thing you see is a list of all the current Surveys. I’m completing “Demo – eCapture – 1”, simply select it, then click “Add Survey” and we’re ready to go.
  3. First we need to fill out our respondent’s details, some of which may be required to move on. Fill out as much of the information as you need to, and click the “Save” button to add this respondent and proceed.
  4. Now let’s go through our first page of questions.
  5. Some of them require a simple yes/no answer.
  6. In the case of Question 2, we’ve designed it so that if a respondent answers “no”, a popup appears telling us that they need to answer “yes” for the survey to continue.
  7. Question 3 is an example of a multiple-choice question, where the user can only select one option in the list.
  8. Question 4 allows the user to submit a written answer…
  9. and Question 5 is numeric, meaning we only allow a number to be entered.
  10. When you’ve finished a page, click the “Next” button to move on.
  11. or click “Continue Later” if you want to finish up at another stage.
  12. Question 6 is an example of a multiple-choice question where the respondent can select more than one option. But, of course, if they select “None of the Above”, the other options are deselected.
  13. If the user answers Question 7 with a “no”, they’re automatically skipped forward to Question 9. This is a great way of routing people past questions that are irrelevant to them.
  14. And, finally, the respondent can sign their name and we’re done.
  15. When the survey is complete, click “Finish”.  You can then upload it with just the click of a button,
  16. and quickly see how far along you are with your quota.
  17. Click the “Map” button to see a detailed view of where your surveys have been completed.
  18. You can download in-depth stats about your project at any time, which you can view in a spread sheet program Excel. These include respondent details, GPS co-ordinates and a whole lot more.
  19. You can send these stats to a friend or colleague via email, by pressing the “Send Output” button and typing the email address in the box that pops up.

This is just a quick overview of some of the things eCapture can do for you. To try it out for yourself, visit eCapture

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

Introducing a Survey Software Platform

Survey software platforms tend to be complicated. They require you to take time out of your busy schedule to learn how to setup your own survey while charging you for it. eCapture allows you to create your surveys simply by doing the setup, scripting and standard routing for you at no charge. All you need to do is email us what you need in a predefined excel format.

Keep it simple with eCapture and watch our short introductory video;

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply