Category Archives: Survey software

Key Benefits of our Electronic Survey Software Platform

  • Costs – does the setup of your surveys cost you an arm and a leg? Simply provide us with a spreadsheet of your questions and answers, we will setup your surveys at no charge.
  • Offline – are you being restricted to complete your surveys online? Continue with our surveys even when you are offline, the data can be uploaded when you reconnect.
  • Hardware – are you being restricted to use specific hardware? Use any of your current hardware devices: PC, laptop, tablet or smart-phone.
  • Software – are you being restricted to using proprietary software? Use any current web browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome.
  • Mobile – are your customers being forced to squint and resize all the time? eCapture was built with mobile devices in mind, it automatically resizes according to your screen size.
  • Operating system – are you being restricted to using Windows or Mac? Use any current operating system: Windows, Android, Mac or Linux.
  • GPS – do you know where your surveys are being completed? Track and trace them with our GPS and mapping features.

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply

2 Steps to a Better Response Rate.

A streamlined online survey is more efficient and can yield a higher response rate. The shorter the online survey, the more likely respondents will complete it. The length of your online survey depends on many factors. Ideally, the length of your online survey is based on the number of relevant questions asked and the optimal length that will convince someone to respond. Beware that using extra questions in your survey may have a negative effect on your response rate, so only develop questions that are pertinent to your survey research objectives.

There are 2 things you can do to shorten online surveys

1. Question types do affect survey length

There are a variety of survey question types, including: single-response, multiple-response, open-ended, and grid questions. The choice of questions, question styles, and overall design can potentially make or break your survey. Certain question types use drop-down and scrolling menus to save space and increase convenience for your respondents. Grid format questions allow survey respondents to answer several similar questions within one question type. Consider using image questions, which use pictures or graphics to describe survey questions and answers – making the experience fun and engaging for respondents.

2. Pre-populate data

If you have sent an online survey to your customers in the past, it is likely that you have previous data stored. Use this data to pre-populate data right into their online survey. Pre-populating data shortens the time it takes a respondent to complete your survey. Pre-populating data also gives you the advantage of adding a personalized touch because you can identity respondents by name and other personal information.

eCapture Survey Software Platform

Create Surveys Simply